Within the past couple of weeks, I have had a number of realizations. However, the most impacting one is regarding the employment condition in the country at the present time. More and more graduates, less and less jobs available for them to get into. In the long run, I think the value of quality education decreases to a level where it becomes completely unnecessary, not because it is unreliable or lacking but more because it is generally useless. There is no arena available for the said knowledge to be practiced in. There are no opportunities available for graduates of today and the near future.
I cannot go further to determine the cause of this dilemma since I believe it is a function of varied factors that are beyond my personal knowledge. However, I believe that there is an ultimate solution to every problem. In this case, it might take a complete reconstruction of the system (which involves a good enough of corruption to blow the entire universe to smaller pieces) and the wise distribution of the natural assets that our dearly beloved archipelago has been bestowed with. Whatever it takes, it can be done. The only thing lacking is the desire to make it happen, enough desire to power the nation and its constituents to take action and put things in the right perspective.
I really wish for the desire to be born at the soonest possible time. In fact, that would be on top of my Christmas wish list this year. Oh please dear Santa, hear me out!:)
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