It's a random day, and this is a random thought. Well, not really. I've been bothered by this after learning about two other girlfriends who are in the same situation as another friend. They are making mistakes, hurting themselves and not working their way out of it. The reason is just beyond my logical existence.
I can just imagine their hearts looking exactly like this. It has been broken over and over again. They take it up, put a bandage here and there then continue being with and loving the same person. Oh how masochist people can be!
I am not a hypocrite. I have experienced being completely in-love with someone to the point that I was willing to give up everything and everyone in my life for him. However, I was able to give myself a pinch and woke up to the reality of life. That he was not worth it all.
This is the very same thing I wish my friends would do. It hurts me to no end to see them in such pain. The fact that they let it be makes me hate them though. I love them. I care for them and do not want to see them in pain. But, how can I continue doing so when they themselves have no love, care nor respect for their own being?
*Someone who really loves you will never ever hurt you. He would rather hurt himself than you.